"Shaping tomorrow's culture through the arts."

Unfolding Moments is a nonprofit 501c corporation organized and operated exclusively for charitable purposes, specifically to serve art and faith communities through training, workshops, design, public art as service, church aesthetics, public speaking, and consulting.


Many of our educational settings and our local communities are drab and lacking in murals and/or support for art in the curriculum or in the every day life of our fellow citizens. The education of the whole person needs to involve the arts so that they experience beauty in their educational context and in their local communities. It is important that people are given the opportunity to participate in a set of direct creative actions. There is a range of diverse kinds of intelligence and creative intelligence is so important for young leaders to discover creative problem solving, the rich aspects of ideation and the satisfying process of communal creative activities.


Church Communities

The pressing question that many Christian leaders are wrestling with is how to appropriately and effectively integrate the arts into the life of their churches. Specifically the question is how to embrace the creative expressions of faith in their corporate worship, preaching and teaching. When it is done poorly and without clear creative guidelines, it does not reflect well on the beauty and power of the Creator that is being worshipped.

There seems to be a general openness to moving forward with the integration of art and worship in many Churches and there is a spiritual hunger for a deeper understanding of God as Creator.