Here's just a small sampling of our community projects.
The Parable of the Broken plates
Union Church, Urban Arts Grant, 2015.
training in education
This past year, working in a local school, Powell Elementary that had recently been designated a school for the arts, we have been able to help develop two young arts leaders. We had the opportunity to artistically engage with 4th graders in the fall and 5th graders in the spring.
In both cases we arranged for college students to team up one on one with the elementary kids mentoring them through the process of creating in clay. This entailed meeting three times over the term creating a relational connection between the college and elementary students. The culmination for each term was an art exhibition at the elementary school. The projects were designed to enhance the subjects that were being taught. In each term one college student was selected to lead the semester in organizing the project, connecting the two campuses, coordinating the exhibition and covering many of the details needed for the project. They both grew in their ability to navigate challenges and handle professional educational expectations.